by Scott Tremain | Sep 21, 2023
“As a retiree with limited opportunities for daily interaction, the GCF Walking Cricket initiative has had a most beneficial effect, not only upon my physical ability but also upon my mental wellbeing. I very much look forward to the weekly cricket sessions and...
by Scott Tremain | Sep 21, 2023
“I used to play cricket when I was young, but now at my age I don’t do much physical activity anymore apart from a spot of bowls. I was invited by people I know here at Walking Cricket to come along, and I’ve never looked back. The sessions are good as I’m now...
by Scott Tremain | Sep 21, 2023
“Walking Cricket is a bit of fun and a great way to stay active. When I retired I found there wasn’t much to do. I enjoy cricket and when I found out about Walking Cricket, I wanted to come along. It’s a really good way of meeting new people and remain being active. ...