Masterclasses for Coaches
Tailored masterclasses for coaches supporting the development of recreational cricket coaches in Gloucestershire. This page will be updated with information regarding masterclasses for the 2024 season.
Setting the Pace with Andy Pick
Former Nottinghamshire CCC fast bowler, and current NCCC Bowling Coach Andy Pick will be talking coaches through all things fast-bowling.
Who is it for?
- Coaches
- Parents/Carers
- Young Leaders
- Activators
- Volunteers
- College/University Students
- PE Teachers

Chris Munden / Cricket Operations Manager
Chris is the longest standing member of the team, having joined the GCF in 2008 as a Community Coach. Since then, Chris has developed greatly moving on to become a Development Officer, a National Programmes and Project lead and now the manager of the entire delivery team across educational and national programmes.
His role covers a wide range of areas including overseeing all schools cricket, the incredible National Programmes of All Stars and Dynamos, Chance To Shine Schools and Street programmes along with being the key lead for Adult league Cricket. Chris also manages the Workforce Development Officer, as a highly competent coaching workforce is so integral to the work areas that he leads on. In his time the GCF have won awards that he had led on, including Chance to Shine County of the Year and Street Chance Project of the Year.
As a local Bristolian, Chris is a Bristol City fan, who enjoys all sports. Chris is married, has two beautiful daughters, plays local cricket and enjoys a good hack at golf.