COVID on the rise – Three Counties Statement

The below is a communication from the recreational game in Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.

In light of increased COVID cases across the country, which has seen a 55% rise in Gloucestershire in the last 7 days, we are asking clubs to become more vigilant in how your club and players behave and act on match days.

Across the WEPL region, we have now had our first two adult league games cancelled as a consequence of multiple COVID cases. Having had many conversations with clubs and having seen clubs in action, we believe that many are becoming too relaxed.

As you will be aware, changing rooms and showers are able to be used under the current step 3 guidance (with a local risk assessment undertaken). We provided recommendations at the time that this should be no more than 4 using the space at any one time but we sadly know this is not being adhered to by some.

If we truly want cricket to take place, week in week out, for all members across your club then we must be stricter on how travel and match days are managed.

With this in mind and recognising this is not mandatory, our advice is that showers and changing rooms are no longer used or they are strictly used as a holding bay with a one in, one out policy.

We know how challenging all of this is, we are giving this advice because we want cricket to played and enjoyed by everybody this summer.

We do hope you will take on this advice and look in to the way you are currently managing cricket at your club.

Thanks for your understanding and continual hard work.

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