Active Together Fund
Start CrowdfundingCrowdfunder and Sport England have teamed up to make £1 million of match funding available to help the sport and physical activity sector through the ongoing coronavirus crisis
Please note: if your club has received Sport England Emergency Funding, you are not eligible to apply to this fund.
Not for profit organisations, including cricket clubs, who play an important role in keeping their community physically active to get involved.
If your club has had to cease operations due to the ongoing pandemic and in doing so is experiencing short term financial difficulty, follow the link below to start setting up a crowdfunding campaign and apply for up to £10,000 match funding today. If you have already started a crowdfunding campaign you can apply for the match funding via your Crowdfunder dashboard.
Finally, at the bottom of this page is an example from Dumbleton Cricket Club, who have had their application approved by Sport England. The club aim to raise £10k by directing payment of 2020 memberships, the sale of social event tickets and £30 bar tokens through the platform, which Sport England will match with an additional £10k. The £20k will cover the shortfall in income caused by Covid-19, and ensure the club can continue the great work they have been doing in the community.
In addition, Corse & Staunton Cricket Club surveyed their membership to understand who would support the campaign and in which ways they would support, which has enabled the club to set a realistic funding target. The survey can also be found at the bottom of this page and is open for other clubs to duplicate.
This investment aims to help community sport and physical activity organisations who are experiencing short term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
The match investment, of up to £10,000, aims to help organisations start to help themselves on the road to recovery. It’s specifically targeted at organisations who have a role in supporting the nation to be active but who are experiencing short term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the ongoing crisis.
To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:
- Local sports clubs
- Charities, community, voluntary and social enterprise sector organisations that deliver sport and/or physical activity in their community, including organisations that are not solely or primarily sports organisations
- For the benefit of people residing in England
The following are not eligible for funding:
- Individuals or sole traders
- For profit businesses or partnerships
- Local authorities, including town and parish councils
- Schools, colleges and universities
- Commercial sport and physical activity providers, e.g. private gyms
- Leisure operators
Pledge Criteria
To receive a pledge, you will need to do two things (the ‘fund conditions’):
- raise at least 25% of your initial target
- raise this from a minimum number of supporters
Following receipt of a pledge you will also need to reach 100% of your initial funding target to receive the funds from Sport England.
Example: Dumbleton Cricket Club
The club aims to raise £20k to cover the shortfall in income caused by Covid-19, and ensure the club can continue the great work they have been doing in the community. They will do this by directing payment of 2020 memberships, donations, the sale of social event tickets and £30 bar tokens (to be used when the bar reopens) through the platform to raise £10k. Sport England will match what the club raises from memberships and other donations, up to a maximum of £10k.
Sport England have approved this application and the fundraising page can be view via the button.
Example Survey: Corse & Staunton Cricket Club
In addition, Corse & Staunton Cricket Club surveyed their membership to understand who would support the campaign and in which ways they would support, which has enabled the club to set a realistic funding target. The survey is open for other clubs to duplicate and make their own. You can find a copy of the survey via the button.

Harry Watts / Club Development Manager
Harry joined the team in August 2022 as our Urban Development Officer and was initially responsible for growing the game of cricket in the urban areas of Bristol and Gloucester. In April 2024, Harry was promoted to Club Development Manager where he now delivers on a number of ECB priority areas including Facility Development, Clubmark, as well as working with Local Authorities on their Playing Pitch Strategies.
In 2018, Harry graduated from Swansea University with a degree in Media & Communications and later gained a PGCE in Primary Education from UWE, having spent multiple years working in primary schools. At his local club, Thornbury CC, Harry supports in different areas, including being an emergency player when required!
Now in his exciting role as Club Development Manager, he is responsible for leading the team of club development staff and working closely with cricket clubs across the county to provide direct support with the aim of creating sustainable clubs for the future. Furthermore, Harry leads youth competitions and the ECB Clubmark Accreditation and sits on a number of GCF Development Groups and Committees.
As a local Bristolian, Harry is a Bristol Rovers supporter and is a big all-round sports fan.