Evans ton help Gloucestershire O70s to commanding win

JOHN Evans compiled a superb 114 to help Gloucestershire Over 70s to a commanding nine-wicket victory away to Devon in Filleigh, near Barnstaple.

The home side reached 197-5 after winning the toss, Richard Carmen (2-25) and Richard Tugwell (2-41) leading the attack.

But Evans and opening partner Keith Daniels (62 not) made light work of the challenge, Evans eventually falling after facing 104 balls and hitting 21 fours and a six.

Gloucestershire Over 60s stretched their unbeaten run with a 55-run success away to local rivals Somerset at North Perrot.

Ed Gordon Lennox was another batter in fine form, compiling an unbeaten 123 from 117 (12 fours, three sixes) to help his side rattle up 243-6 from their 45 after winning the toss.

And Gordon Lennox followed up with a return of 3-29 to help close out the win, Tim Cull and John Courtney both taking two wickets.

It was closer at Chipping Sodbury where the 60s 2nd string (main image) trumped Cornwall by nine runs.

Opener Alec Robinson (46) and Kim Parsley (43) led the home side to a total of 263-8, and Cornwall appeared on course to get there before captain Steve Pennington came into the attack, grabbing the vital wicket of Mike Jelbert (104) before finishing with 4-46 from eight.

Gloucestershire O60s 3rds, though, went down by 40 runs away to Buckinghamshire.

There was another derby win, meanwhile, for the Over 50s 2nds who saw off Somerset by five wickets, Alastair Smith and Paul Fredericks taking three wickets apiece before Ian Robson led the charge with the bat, finishing unbeaten on 82.

Main image: Gloucestershire Over 60s’ 2nd XI – back row, left to right: Matt Weeks, Andy Malpas, Michael Carter, Andy Macleod, Alec Robinson, Mike Pearson, Paul Silvester, Steve Witcomb, Dave Scott. Front: Kim Parsley, Andy Kear, Steve Pennington, Bill Lawrence.

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