Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation’s 2024 Golf Day – A Smashing Success!

Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation’s 2024 Golf Day – A Smashing Success!

On April 26, Chipping Sodbury Golf Club played host once more to Gloucestershire Cricket Foundations Annual Golf Day. This event was not just about hitting the greens, it was a celebration of community, shared love of cricket and the ambition to raise money to support the continued work of Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation.

We are thrilled that the day welcomed an impressive crowd of golfers (and some non-golfers!) and from start to finish it was a remarkable day that brought together cricketers, golfers, sponsors, and partners.

Everyone gathered not just for the love of the game but for the sense of community that these events create and we were blessed with 29 teams, gracing the picturesque fairways and greens of Chipping Sodbury Golf Club.

A special thanks must go to the groundskeepers and staff. Despite the curveball thrown by Mother Nature in the weeks and days leading up to the event, they worked tirelessly to ensure the fairways and greens were in impeccable condition. The day itself was a testament to their hard work and whilst a cold start, the sunshine made an appearance by early afternoon, which made for a picture-perfect day for golf.

Steve Silk, CEO, was the organiser of the day and said….

“Thanks to the overwhelming generosity and participation, we are delighted to announce that over £4.5k was raised across the day, which will go a long way towards contributing to our ongoing ambitions and initiatives with reaching more people through Cricket.

A heartfelt thanks to all who supported the day, through the purchase of raffle tickets, winning auction items or simply being involved. Every individual added to the excitement and also played a significant role in raising the money that we did, enabling us to make a positive impact within the schools and communities we visit.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to all those who donated the amazing prizes. Your generosity and kindness truly made the event memorable, and we are immensely grateful for your support.”

Now, onto the winners of the actual golf play! Drumroll, please… Congratulations to

Individual Winners (comps)

Longest Drive – Ash Davies

Nearest the Pin (4) – Jamie Phillips

Nearest the Pin (6) – Karen Bowers

Hit the target – Jeremy Bartlett


Individual Winners (overall)

Paul Tovey – 41 points

Colin Penson – 39 points

Jeff – 38 points

Team Winners (yellow ball)

Stockwood Stragglers – 38 points

Mrs Browns Boys – 36 points

BS4 Legends – 36 points


Team Winners (overall)

Towergate – 98 points

Marsh Commercial 1 – 92 points

First Class Comms – 91 points

Frocester CC – 91 points

As we reflect on the day, we are already looking ahead to the next one. We cannot wait to welcome you all back for another day and most importantly, making a difference in the lives of those communities we support and putting more bats and balls in hands.

If you or your company are interested in becoming one of our valued partners or sponsoring any of our many great initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out to Steve Silk.

Here from some of those involved on the day on why they continue to support this event and Gloucestershire Cricket foundation as a whole.

Your support is instrumental in helping us continue our work across Gloucestershire.

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and supported our Golf Day. Together, we are making a difference, one swing at a time!



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